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Brand Strategy • Creative Development • Production

 Blackfeet Community College has a very important story to tell.

Blackfeet Community College (BCC) is a 2 year college on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Browning, Montana. The problem for the college, and the tribe, is that the best and brightest students leave the reservation and go on to 4 year universities in other parts of the state and country. To help fund the schools transformation to an accredited 4 year college, we told the story of a very dedicated student, Danielle Antelope. 

Partnered with a team from New York advertising agency Gyro, we told Danielle’s story by following her at home, school and life on the reservation with a 1 year old baby.

We have a home here and a we have a family here and the community I want to help is here
— Danielle Antelope

Danielle’s voice became the voice of the students in her endeavor to become the first graduate of a 4 year program at BCC. The story got news media attention and the films were used across social media to amplify fundraising efforts.

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